DESY Physics Research Committee

Welcome to the Physics Research Committee (PRC)

The PRC gives advice to the DESY directorate on all matters related to the particle physics programme at DESY.

At present, the experimental particle physics programme is focused on DESY's activities at the LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS (physics, detector upgrades, etc.), on the Belle II experiment, on the R&D and physics studies for future colliders (FTX) and its detectors, and on the ALPS-II, MADMAX and (Baby)IAXO axion experiments, plus the LUXE experiment. The comprehensive theory programme in collider phenomenology, particle cosmology, string theory and lattice field theory is also reviewed by the PRC, as are the activities of the platforms fo detector R&D and scientific computing. The PRC also eventually reviews remaining activities connected to the HERA experiments H1, HERMES and ZEUS.

PRC Chair: Steinar Stapnes (CERN)
PRC Scientific Secretary: Thomas Schoerner (DESY) -

Next (98th) PRC meeting (PRC98): 5/6 November 2024 in person in Hamburg:
The then next PRC meeting (PRC99) is scheduled for 7-9 April 2025 (Zeuthen, joint meeting with APC).

APC and PRC at their joint session in November 2022.

PRC at its 97th meeting in April 2022. First row: Belen Gavela, Beate Heinemann; centre row: Yannis Semertzidis, Artur Hebecker, Ulrich Husemann; back row: Steinar Stapnes, Christoph Rembser, Thomas Schörner. Not in the picture are Julia Thom-Levy, Jeff Temple and Dave Charlton who participated remotely.